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Drum & Wing Pulleys

Abel Transmission provides an assortment of industrial strength drum and wing pulleys
from the best trusted names in the industry.

Chatland Chatland made pulleys offer multiple compounds, durometers and thicknesses at the highest quality.
Dodge Dodge pulleys offer high endurance, 14 degree taper bushings with the lowest bellows installation stress of any taper bushing shaft mounting system for 2 hub pulley applications.

Hewitt-Robins Hewitt-Robins drum pulleys are designed utilizing a single-piece rolled plate rim, continuously welded end discs and extra strength intermediate discs, as required.
Precision Pulley Inc. Precision Pulley and Idler (PPI) heavy duty pulleys are designed with the durability for the rugged environment.
Van Gorp Van Gorp pulleys are designed for longer life with heavy end discs (rigid design) to minimize end disc stress due to shaft bending.

Abel Transmission, Inc.
130 Enterprise Drive Bristol, Ct 06010
860-585-7400 Fax 860-585-7898

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